Bizning jamoa bilan ishlashning afzalliklari nimada?

Bizning ofisimiz Toshkent shahri, Shayxontohur tumanidagi O’zbekiston Respublikasi Sog’liqni saqlash vazirligining binosida joylashgan. Ofisimiz bugungi kunda mashhur «open space» uslubida qurilgan bo’lib, u yorug’lik bilan yaxshi ta`minlangan ochiq maydonli rejasini nazarda tutadi.

Har juma kuni butun jamoamiz mafiya va bouling kabi jamoaviy o’yinlarni o’ynash uchun yig’iladi. Bayramlarda biz do’stona jamoa sifatida turli xil kvestlarga boramiz, ba`zan esa tog’larga sayohatlar uyushtiramiz. Bizning bayramlarimiz – har doim eslash yoqimli bo’lgan yorqin onlardir. Biz har bir xodim o’zini biz bilan iloji boricha qulay his qilishlarini istaymiz.

Kim qiyinchilik bilan kelisha olsa, u dam olish bilan ham bahslashmaydi! Biz hech qachon hayotdagi to’siqlardan hayiqmaydigan va erishilgan maqsadlardan so’ng to’xtab qolmaydigan insonlarmiz.

Системный аналитик



• Сбор, анализ, фиксация и управление требованиями к ПО;

• Коммуникации с заказчиком, командой разработки и тестирования;

• Формирование и согласование документов (ТЗ, пользовательские требования, спецификации требований, включая функциональные и нефункциональные требования и пр.);;

• Описание бизнес-процесса as is и to be в нотации BPMN;

• Применение сценарной техники сбора требований (use cases);

• Построение sequense диаграмм при проектировании решений (UML);

• Проектирование логической модели базы данных;

• Описание и проектирование API;

• Разработка решения и декомпозиция задач совместно с техническими специалистами и дизайнерами;

• Формирование критериев приёмки и участие в приемочных тестах разработанного ПО.




  • Высшее техническое образование;
  • Опыт взаимодействия с подрядчиками;
  • Опыт работы с технической документацией;
  • Опыт работы на проектах в логистике, ритейле или смежных областях;
  • Знание процессов разработки ПО (анализ требований, дизайн, разработка, тестирование, техподдержка, др.);
  • Знание набора нотаций и способов описания требований к разработке: BPMN, UML, ER-диаграмма / диаграмма классов, Use Case, User Story;
  • Аналитический склад ума и повышенное внимание к деталям
  • Понимание REST/SOAP;
  • Опыт работы с микросервисами, проектирование решений;
  • Опыт работы и формирования требований на кросс-функциональных проектах;
  • Опыт использования Jira и Confluence;
  • Умение писать простые SQL-запросы;
  • Умение работать в команде на общий результат;
  • Опыт интеграции больших систем;
  • Опыт работы с проектами по Agile.



Мы предлагаем интересную работу в стабильной компании, а также отличные возможности для реализации профессиональных амбиций и карьерного роста:

• офис в центре города
• официальное трудоустройство
• график работы 5
[ с 9:00 до 18:00
• дружелюбный коллектив (тимбилдинги), и интересные проекты, командировки за рубеж.


Ключевые навыки

  • Финансовый анализ
  • Экономический анализ
  • Анализ данных
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Работа с большим объёмом информации

Call for International Consultant for Supporting MOH of Uzbekistan in Developing Software Architecture as Part of National Health Information System



Call for International Consultant for Supporting MOH of Uzbekistan in Developing Software Architecture as Part of National Health Information System

  1. Background

Access to timely, high-quality health information is an integral component of a well-functioning and responsive national health system. Strong and integrated routine medical information systems that include outpatient clinic and hospital information system assures smooth and effective surveillance of diseases, management and continuous improvement of public health and wellbeing of population and effective functioning of healthcare system. It enables policy makers to effectively and timely recognize and address the needs of population by making evidence-based and informed decisions.

According to WHO assessment in 2018 the health information system in Uzbekistan was fragmented, largely paper-based, lacking e-component. Its content (data and final indicators) was of questionable quality; international standards for classification and coding were not universally observed, and the governance structure and capacity for health analysis, reporting and evidence-based decision-making needed substantial improvements.

The Government of Uzbekistan has acknowledged these gaps and the importance of a well-established, well-functioning and well-integrated e-health system prioritizing it in the list of top items of the national reform agenda. It has particularly embarked upon a health reform with the aim of 1) re-modelling of health services, 2) establishing a universal health insurance with renewed health financial mechanisms and 3) digitizing and integrating health information system.

The WHO CO UZB is highly committed to provide technical support to the Government in its efforts for modernizing and digitizing the health information system and presently is seeking an international consultant, a Software Architect, for designing a number of medical information systems and providing expertise to the MOH in the course of the reform per request of the MOH of Uzbekistan.

  1. Tasks/Deliverables

The Software Architect will provide hand-on support to the MOH staff and will lead, coach and facilitate decisions for electronic health information software development in the development team. She/he will see the “bigger picture” and create architectural approaches for software design and implementation based on international standards.

Detailed Tasks:

  • To design and implement up-to-date digital solutions for automated complex business processes in healthcare.
  • To coach and build on the capacity of the software engineering teams on coding standards and technology.
  • To develop an overall software architecture and fitness functions for monitoring and control with the team of software engineers.
  • To transfer know-hows of software architecture development to other developers.
  • To conduct code reviews on advanced and sensitive change set domains.
  • To increase the expressiveness and clarity of the source texts, to enhance simplicity of evolutionary development and to reduce the complexity of the systems.
  • To support the development of automated test execution environments so that new functions can be automatically tested in isolation.
  • To take active part in development of technically complex projects.

Final deliverables:  

  1. Analysis of software development and a detailed consulting assignment plan (to be submitted by October 15).
  2. Final technical report on performed activities and recommendations for the future (to be submitted by December 16).
  1. Contract duration

64 working days for the period September 15 – December 16, 2021

  1. Qualifications, experience, skills and languages



  • Postgraduate degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Health Informatics or related fields,
  • Completed trainings on software development / software architecture / databases / cloud technology.


  • Completed training in Java or PHP will be a plus.
  • Completed training in the areas of Git, Continuous Deployment Pipeline, Docker, Open Shift, VMs, Linux will be a plus.
  • Completed trainings in analysis of software requirements and modelling will be a plus.
  • Completed trainings in healthcare industry standards such as HL7, DICOM, openEHR, IHE will be a plus.
  • Completed trainings in at least one software implementation methodology will be a plus.



  • At least 5 years of hands-on experience in designing and implementing software architectures and developing software during the last 10 years.
  • At least 5 years of experience in full-stack development.
  • Actual project experience in IT architectures and standards such as SOA, microservices, PKI, SAML, Oauth2, openID.


  • International experience in designing and implementing medical information systems will be a plus.
  • Experience with eHealth interoperability standards and frameworks such as HL7 FHIR, CDA, DICOM, IHE PIX, IHE XDS will be  a plus.


  • Ability to create high-quality software architectural designs for complex systems.
  • Excellent communication, facilitation, planning and leadership skills.
  • Strong analytical abilities.
  • Effective problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to deliver succinct, well-structured, and clearly articulated reports


  • Excellent oral and written English and Russian.
  1. Supervision

The consultant will work under the technical supervision of

  • Dr. Karapet Davtyan, Technical officer at the unit of Data, Metrics and Analytics (DMA) of Division of Country Health Policies and Systems (CPS) at the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

And under overall supervision of

  • Dr. Lianne Kuppens, WR head of WHO/CO UZB in close collaboration with Dr. Ruzanna Grigoryan, HIS Consultant WHO/CO UZB
  • The Deputy Minister of Health of Uzbekistan Mr. Abdulla Azizov in close cooperation with Durbek Aliyev, Farhod Akbarov and Olegas Niaksu from IT-Med.
  1. Location (including in-country missions, if any)

This is an onsite consultancy. The expert can work remotely 20% of allocated working days.

  1. Remuneration and budget (travel costs excluded)

This technical task and complexity of the work corresponds to Brand Level B expertise with the daily rate of 350 USD defined by WHO rates for consultants and guidance on establishment of rates. The total budget will be 350 * 64 = 22 400 USD.

Оperativ bo’limiga “bosh mutaxassis”


• Hujjatlarni, shu jumladan me’yoriy hujjatlar loyihalarini, xatlar, bayonnomalarni ko’rib chiqadi va takliflarni tayyorlaydi.

• Jamoa bilan birgalikda quyidagi hujjatlarni tayyorlaydi: – Buyrug’ loyihalari; – Elektron sog’liqni saqlash loyihalarini amalga oshirish bo’yicha harakatlar rejalari loyihalari; – Elektron sog’liqni saqlash loyihasini amalga oshirish bo’yicha yo’l xaritalari; – Tadqiqot natijalari haqida ma’lumotnoma.

• To’plangan ma’lumotlar asosida xatlar loyihasini tayyorlaydi.

• Normativ-huquqiy hujjatlar bo’yicha topshiriqlarning bajarilishi to’g’risidagi ma’lumotlarni axborot tizimlariga kiritadi.

• Sog’liqni saqlash vazirligi uchun axborot-tahliliy hisobotlarni tayyorlaydi.


Мы предлагаем интересную работу в стабильной компании, а также отличные возможности для реализации профессиональных амбиций и карьерного роста:

• офис в центре города
• официальное трудоустройство
• график работы 5
[ с 9:00 до 18:00
• дружелюбный коллектив (тимбилдинги), и интересные проекты, командировки за рубеж.



Мы предлагаем интересную работу в стабильной компании, а также отличные возможности для реализации профессиональных амбиций и карьерного роста:

• офис в центре города
• официальное трудоустройство
• график работы 5
[ с 9:00 до 18:00
• дружелюбный коллектив (тимбилдинги), и интересные проекты, командировки за рубеж.


Ключевые навыки

  • Работа в команде
  • Грамотная речь
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Excel
  • Power Point